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Green Finance: Efficiency at the Service of Ecological Transition

Economy and Finance Breakfast

How effective is green finance?

Date: Wednesday March 20, 2024
Time: 8:30am to 10:00am
Venue: Talan France, 14 rue Pergolèse, Paris

Are you a graduate of ENSAE Paris or simply passionate about economics or finance?

Are you wondering about the role of finance in the ecological transition?

Join us for a sustainable finance event, withOlivier David Zerbib, researcher at CREST and teacher at ENSAE.

On the program:
- A presentation of the latest academic developments in environmental finance, including impact investing, greenwashing and the financial risks associated with climate and biodiversity.
- Concrete perspectives on financing the ecological transition, and in particular on the capacity of private investment to transform our economies.
- Discussions on these key issues.

After a career in asset management, Olivier David Zerbib became involved in academic research into sustainable finance. His publications are benchmark works in this field, and his analyses fuel the debate on the effectiveness of private investment in supporting the ecological transition.

Why take part?
- Enrich your thinking on environmental issues, in particular the ability of markets to finance the ecological transition and take environmental risks into account.
- Meet other alumni with a passion for economics and finance , and exchange ideas among peers and with a researcher happy to share his expertise.

Book your morning now and don't miss out!

Join us to contribute to the debate on the crucial role of finance in the ecological transition.

The meeting will be hosted by Florence Bonnevay.

Tuesday 18 March 2025
08:30 - 10:00 (GMT +1)
Registration deadline : 19th March
Talan France
14 Rue Pegolèse
75016 Paris
  • 25 € ENSAE Alumni member

  • 35 € Non-Contributors ENSAE Alumni

  • 10 € Student ENSAE-IP Paris

There are 29 places left
Olivier-David ZERBIB (SEA, 2007)
Florence BONNEVAY (SEA, 1987)

Talan France

14 Rue Pegolèse
75016 Paris

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Tuesday 18 March 2025
08:30 - 10:00 (GMT +1)
Registration deadline : 19th March
Talan France
14 Rue Pegolèse
75016 Paris
  • 25 € ENSAE Alumni member

  • 35 € Non-Contributors ENSAE Alumni

  • 10 € Student ENSAE-IP Paris

There are 29 places left
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