Rapport financier de l'Astec
Didier Folus, trésorier

List of numbers

The risk of old age
01 November 2001
Just as the Maya had no recognized currency, ASTEC is now determined to count in euros. So this is the last time you'll see a financial statement in francs on our pages. Half-year after half-year, we attempt, as the unlikely Nina Ricci of associative journalism, to capture the zeitgeist. Structural reforms to pension systems, the subject of this issue's special report, are emerging as a central issue in the presidential campaign. And to keep up with the already breathless pace of the new millennium, of course, we're counting on you.
The launch of our website is showing promising results so far. The focus for 2002 is on the completion of new projects, facilitated by the simpler exchanges between former members. These sailors, who have been looking for each other for several years, are now preparing for the participation of a team of students and former students - your team - in the Tour de France à la voile. By joining forces, the student associations will be able to communicate more effectively with alumni through ASTEC. To make ENSAE and its alumni better known.
Finally, the last articles in this issue stray a little from the beaten track of topics usually covered in Variances. Aside from the strictly professional or associative aspects of our lives as alumni, there's everything else, not least the horror of terrorist attacks and daily misery, and the way they are perceived by those who come into contact with them. Anyone who has been through ENSAE knows in principle what counting means. It remains to be seen what really counts.
The launch of our website is showing promising results so far. The focus for 2002 is on the completion of new projects, facilitated by the simpler exchanges between former members. These sailors, who have been looking for each other for several years, are now preparing for the participation of a team of students and former students - your team - in the Tour de France à la voile. By joining forces, the student associations will be able to communicate more effectively with alumni through ASTEC. To make ENSAE and its alumni better known.
Finally, the last articles in this issue stray a little from the beaten track of topics usually covered in Variances. Aside from the strictly professional or associative aspects of our lives as alumni, there's everything else, not least the horror of terrorist attacks and daily misery, and the way they are perceived by those who come into contact with them. Anyone who has been through ENSAE knows in principle what counting means. It remains to be seen what really counts.
Les Visages du nouveau Conseil
Fabien Toutlemonde
Un projet d’envergure : faire le tour
Sébastien PETITHUGUENIN (2001)
Perspectives démographiques : le retour du risque vieillesse ?
Didier BLANCHET (1980), chef du département emploi et revenus d’activité, INSEE
L'Assurance Privée
Christel BONNET (1999), actuaire consultant chez AVILOG Conseil.
Les perspectives macro-économiques du financement du système de retraite par répartition
Franck VON LENNEP (1995)
Retraites: le doux mirage du statu quo
Alexandre COLLARD (1998) et Arnaud MEZIERES (1998), Actuaire IAF, IEM-ACTUARIA SA
Compléments individuels de retraite: analyse et évolutions
François BEUGIN (2000), chargé d’études produits chez AXA Conseil
La gestion du risque Dépendance en Assurance
Claire DUTEY (2000), chargée d’études actuarielles, GIE AXA
Welfare ou laisser-faire ?
Fabien TOUTLEMONDE (1999), département de la conjoncture, INSEE