Présentation de l’auteur(trice)

Eric CHANEY (Adm, 1988)
President of EChO SAS.Economic advisor to Institut Montaigne.
Vice Chairman of the Board of the Institut des Hautes Etudes Scientifiques.
Chief economist for the AXA Group from 2008 to 2016. Advisor to the CEO until end-2016.
Former member of the Executive Committee at AXA Investment Managers.
Before joining AXA, Chief economist for Europe at Morgan Stanley. Team ranked #1 by Institutional Investors from 1997 to 2001.
Previously, headed the economic forecasting unit of the French statistical office (INSEE) and principal editor of INSEE’s quarterly publication ‘Note de Conjonture’. Before that, responsible for global economic analysis and forecasts at the French Treasury.
Member of the Scientific Council of the Autorités des marchés financiers (French market watchdog). Former member of the Scientific Board of the AXA Research Fund. Former member of the French Economic Council of the Nation and of the French Tax Council.
Former Associate Professor at the French School of Administration (ENA).
Former professor of Mathematics and editor of a mathematical journal of the University of Strasbourg.
Graduated from the Paris Graduate School of Economics, Statistics and Finance (ENSAE ParisTech).
Live in Paris, married, five children.
Publications de l’auteur(trice)
Le risque politique italien est de retour
Tribune - Le risque politique italien est de retour
04 juin 2018
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Global trade is under serious threat. How should we respond?
Les Etats-Unis sous Trump - Global trade is under serious...
23 mars 2018
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Brexit: Can We Get Down to Business Now ?
Tribune - Brexit: Can We Get Down to Business Now ?
03 janvier 2018
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Sortie de l’euro : faillites en chaîne et confiscation de l’épargne
Tribune - Sortie de l’euro : faillites en chaîne et...
05 mai 2017
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« Often humbled, sometimes vindicated, always intellectually stimulated »
Economie - « Often humbled, sometimes vindicated, always...
14 décembre 2016
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