Events calendar
DATA and AI breakfast
Breakfast DATA and AI, Transparency and auditability of data and algorithms: where are we?
Dear Alumni,
ENSAE Alumni is pleased to invite you to its next Data and AI breakfast on the theme:
Transparency and auditability of data and algorithms: where do we stand?
in the company of Perrine Kaltwasser (X99, ENSAE 2004), Managing Director of Risk, Compliance and the General Secretariat of the Banque Postale financial conglomerate, a former insurance supervisor who has also worked at the ACPR, EIOPA and the ECB.
At a time when the ambassadors of the 27 EU countries have just approved the AI Act, an unprecedented text enabling artificial intelligence to be regulated at European level, this talk, which promises to be captivating, will focus on the following themes:
- How are regulators currently positioning themselves on these issues?
- How are banks organizing themselves in practice?
See all events
Thursday 19 September 2024
- 10:00
(GMT +2)
Registration deadline : 20th September
Banque Transatlantique
36 Rue La Fayette
25 € Members
35 € Non-members
10 € ENSAE students
Registration closed
Banque Transatlantique
36 Rue La Fayette75009 Paris
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