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Club Finance with Antoine Brunet and Jean-Paul Guichard

China-Yuan: the spider's strategy?

What if the current crisis were merely the ultimate conclusion to 30 years of "economic war" waged by the Middle Kingdom, based on a mercantilist strategy aimed at overthrowing the dominant G3 powers? This is the thesis of the two authors of "La visée hégémonique de la Chine - L'impérialisme économic imperialism", who denounce Western complacency towards the emerging hyper-power. The thesis is alarmist. Some will find it provocative, but others will find it enlightening. What are the mechanisms behind this economic strategy for political domination? How has China devised this spider's web strategy, combining proactive policies, monetary intervention and financial and regulatory repression? How can we conceive of this mercantilist balance pitting prosperity, social stability and foreign exchange reserves in China against offshoring, economic stagnation, social destabilization and runaway public finances in developed countries?

On the other hand, doesn't China make a perfect scapegoat for the negligence of developed countries? Must we necessarily read the dynamics of globalization through the prism of a struggle for domination? Are the rules of the global economic game so skewed? Whatever the perspective, what are the challenges facing European public and private players (large companies, SMEs, investors), and what strategies can they adopt to protect themselves from the micro and macro risks identified by the authors?

Antoine Brunet, a graduate of ENSAE (1966), has spent a large part of his career as an economist and market strategist. He is currently Chairman of AB Marchés, an economic and market analysis company. Jean-Paul Guichard, a graduate of ENSAE (1966), is Professor of Economics and a specialist in history and international economics at Nice University.conomie internationale à l'université Nice-Sofia Antipolis, directeur de la chaire " Jean Monnet " de l'Union Européenne.

Friday 24 June 2011
21, rue Bonaparte
75006 Paris
  • 25 €

  • 30 €

  • 35 €

Registration closed
Jean-Paul Guichard
Antoine Brunet


21, rue Bonaparte
75006 Paris

Additional information (parking, underground, etc.)

Subway: Saint-Germain-des-Prés

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Friday 24 June 2011
21, rue Bonaparte
75006 Paris
  • 25 €

  • 30 €

  • 35 €

Registration closed
  • 12 registrants
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