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Launch of ParisTech Alumni in India

Group "EIndia"

The network of graduates from ParisTech schools is being structured and developed. For India, a first meeting will be held this Saturday, November 28 in New Delhi. It will be hosted by Guy Somekh, President of ParisTech Alumni, who will present both ParisTech and ParisTech Alumni, and will be followed by a convivial buffet. We hope you will be able to attend this session on Saturday, starting at 11am. You are invited to attend with your spouse (invitation attached in French and English). It is imperative that you reply to the e-mail address given in the letter, indicating whether you will be alone or accompanied, as well as your home school and year of graduation.
Saturday 28th November 2009
French Embassy
New Delhi
Guy Somekh (ParisTech Alumni)

French Embassy

New Delhi

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Saturday 28th November 2009
French Embassy
New Delhi
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