La promotion 2006 à l’honneur
Guillaume Simon (2005)

List of numbers

Finance, new risks, new regulations
01 February 2007
The presidential elections will be an opportunity for many ENSAE alumni to contribute their own perspectives to the debate. A foretaste has just been given of the high cost of living and unemployment figures: alumni have been at the forefront of these debates, contributing to the various points of view.
These debates enliven the e-revue (alumni debate magazine, available at; if we don't return to them, it's not because the hot topics are taboo. For several issues now, our columns have opened up to ENSAEs who have an original experience or a documented point of view to put forward. The article in the previous Variances about the elections in Palestine, as seen from the inside, certainly falls into the first category. Some of you reacted to it...
Nevertheless, we'd like to take a look at a profession that will be in the news over the next few months: polling. It's a world undergoing profound change, where activities are diversifying and enriching. Computerization plays a major role in these developments. We continue our overview of this cross-industry chronicle of technology and business: our headliner, the op-eds and several recent alumni publications provide valuable insights.
Last but not least, this issue is very international. Our feature on the development of new regulations designed to mitigate the new financial risks demonstrates ENSAE's involvement in European regulation. Let's hope that even more alumni embrace these careers and subjects!
Finally, in these pages we celebrate the birth of our three branches in London, the USA and Asia. As with all our activities, they will open up new personal and professional outlets for you, enable you to keep in touch with old friends, even from afar, and make it easier for you to prepare for your departure or... your return to France!
We wish you all a happy new year,
Frédéric Gilli
These debates enliven the e-revue (alumni debate magazine, available at; if we don't return to them, it's not because the hot topics are taboo. For several issues now, our columns have opened up to ENSAEs who have an original experience or a documented point of view to put forward. The article in the previous Variances about the elections in Palestine, as seen from the inside, certainly falls into the first category. Some of you reacted to it...
Nevertheless, we'd like to take a look at a profession that will be in the news over the next few months: polling. It's a world undergoing profound change, where activities are diversifying and enriching. Computerization plays a major role in these developments. We continue our overview of this cross-industry chronicle of technology and business: our headliner, the op-eds and several recent alumni publications provide valuable insights.
Last but not least, this issue is very international. Our feature on the development of new regulations designed to mitigate the new financial risks demonstrates ENSAE's involvement in European regulation. Let's hope that even more alumni embrace these careers and subjects!
Finally, in these pages we celebrate the birth of our three branches in London, the USA and Asia. As with all our activities, they will open up new personal and professional outlets for you, enable you to keep in touch with old friends, even from afar, and make it easier for you to prepare for your departure or... your return to France!
We wish you all a happy new year,
Frédéric Gilli
La promotion 2005 autour de Colette Laffont
Olivier Bos (2005) et Guillaume Simon (2005)
Un peuple migrateur : les Ensae
Roland Bembaron, responsable des Enseignements de Langues et des Relations internationales
Anciens Ensae : la diaspora s'organise !
Julien Guitard (2005)
Alumni's Cup 2007 : le retour !
Fabien Toutlemonde (1999)
Un parcours de femme : entretien avec Jacqueline Aglietta
Ensae au Féminin
Finance, nouvelles réglementations, nouveaux risques
Sébastien Cochard (1994)
Le cheminement de Bâle 2, des directives européennes à l’application en France
Maya Atig (1996), Gaëtan Viallard
Les enjeux de la réforme Solvabilité II
Viviane Leflaive (2000)
Sondages et Démocratie
Jacques Antoine (1953)
Les nouveaux métiers des sondages
Claire Pagès (2000)
Et l’ordinateur tomba du ciel
Pierre Morichau (1967)
Grocer : un quasi-logiciel libre d'économétrie
Eric Dubois (1987)
De passage à Jerusalem …
Patrick Gordon (1963)