Economie et stratégie des entreprises de réseau
Claude-Pierre Bonnepart

List of numbers

Networks: economics and strategy
01 June 1995
Acknowledgements ...
It is a great honor and pleasure to succeed Laurent Doubrovine as editor-in-chief of this now illustrious magazine! The editorial board joins me in thanking him most warmly for all the energy he has devoted to the creation of Variances, of which he is the spiritual father.
I would also like to take the opportunity of this editorial to thank the authors
who have actively contributed to previous issues and to* this issue, or who have
or who have already sent us articles for future issues.
future issues. We are always (and more than ever to
to keep Variances going!) looking for your contributions on all subjects
topics ("sector" articles, didactic debates, articles on information
information processing methods). For issue 6,
we're opening a debate on all aspects of European construction
I invite you to send us your comments, ideas or draft articles.
Thanks to your active participation, the second edition of the "Entretiens de la prévision" held on March 28 was a great success, surpassing last year's event and bringing together alumni and non-Ensae alike. Thank you again for your participation and support.
For this summer's issue, we offer you a reflection on network companies (in the "debate" section) and an article on Peugeot's strategy in the United States.
Happy reading!
Nicolas Denis
It is a great honor and pleasure to succeed Laurent Doubrovine as editor-in-chief of this now illustrious magazine! The editorial board joins me in thanking him most warmly for all the energy he has devoted to the creation of Variances, of which he is the spiritual father.
I would also like to take the opportunity of this editorial to thank the authors
who have actively contributed to previous issues and to* this issue, or who have
or who have already sent us articles for future issues.
future issues. We are always (and more than ever to
to keep Variances going!) looking for your contributions on all subjects
topics ("sector" articles, didactic debates, articles on information
information processing methods). For issue 6,
we're opening a debate on all aspects of European construction
I invite you to send us your comments, ideas or draft articles.
Thanks to your active participation, the second edition of the "Entretiens de la prévision" held on March 28 was a great success, surpassing last year's event and bringing together alumni and non-Ensae alike. Thank you again for your participation and support.
For this summer's issue, we offer you a reflection on network companies (in the "debate" section) and an article on Peugeot's strategy in the United States.
Happy reading!
Nicolas Denis
Reuters, précurseur et intégrateur
Dominique Durand (Ensce 77)
Les grandes lignes de la réglementation du secteur des télécommunications
Claire Ancelin (Ensce 77)
Des entreprises de réseau aux entreprises réseau
Claude-Pierre Bonnepart(Ensce 77)
Le groupe Finance : les outils quantitatifs au service de la gestion financière
Claude Grandfils (Ensae 89)
Après de longs adieux, Peugeot peut-il retourner sur le marché américain ?
Jean-Loup Archawski (Ensce 62) et Francis W. Wolek